Artifact: Incident
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Main Description

A fault in IT service and infrastructure that has been reported or an event which could cause an interruption to a service. Incidents can be created using either manual or automated mechanisms. An incident reported by a user begins as a service request and becomes an incident once it is determined that a fault is being reported.

Key Considerations

The different states of an incident include the following:

  • Classified - An incident that has been assigned a classification. The classification helps narrow the realm of possibilities for resolving the incident. For instance, the classification can be based on platform, type of problem, component, or other information.
  • Closed - The finalization of all data related to an incident, including structured data which supports analysis of incident causes, patterns, costs and resolution effectiveness.
  • Communication to User - Communications with a user about the status or progress of an incident. Could be to provide status information or to solicit additional data or request some user action as part of diagnosis.
  • Logged - An identified incident that has been saved in a database.
  • Resolution Plan - An incident for which a resolution plan has been created or obtained. Subsequently (and beyond this activity), the resolution plan has to be applied and the outcome verified with the user.
  • Resolution Unsuccessful - Information about an incident for which a workaround or fix was not provided or was unsuccessful. Normally, an incident should eventually yield a workaround or a fix for that incident. However, in some situations, no workaround or fix works to resolve the incident.
  • Resolved - An incident for which a workaround or fix has been successfully applied.

Incidents are described by incident records.  Information included in an incident record may include:

  • Incident # 
  • Status
  • Date Occurred
  • Total Duration
  • System Impacted
  • Problem Recognition Time
  • Problem Determination Start Time
  • Recovery Start Time
  • Incident Type
  • Time Occurred
  • Location
  • Problem Determination End Time
  • Recovery Stop Time
  • Root Cause Code
  • Closed By
  • Descriptive Text
  • Recovery Text
  • Closed Date
  • Symptom String
  • Closing Code
  • Detailed Event Chronology
  • Closed Time