Task: Monitor Change Implementation
Disciplines: Change Management
RolesPrimary Performer: Additional Performers:
InputsMandatory: Optional:
Main Description

While the change is being implemented, track its progress and intervene if necessary to ensure completion.  Check that the change is being implemented in accordance with the original intent. 

Monitor all tasks involved in preparing for the implementation of the change, including:

  • Allocation of personnel resources
  • Creation of a change package
  • Change package testing
  • Remediation testing
  • Verification of target environment
  • Readiness of change components
  • Delivery of training for users and support personnel
  • Packaging the change for deployment (which may be via Release Management)
  • Deploying the change (which may be via Deployment Management)

If a solution must be created or modified to implement the change, monitor all tasks involved in developing a solution that will be a part of the change implementation, including:

  • Solution requirements
  • Solution analysis and design
  • Solution development and integration
  • Solution testing
  • Solution approval

If change implementation failed in some way, ensure that the remediation approach was followed.  If remediation fails, make sure that is documented for action by the CAB. 

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