Discipline: Customer Satisfaction Management
Aggregate Customer Satisfaction Data
Aggregate Customer Satisfaction Information
Analyze Customer Comments and Issues
Analyze Customer Satisfaction Information
Analyze Request for Information
Analyze Resolution Plan Effectiveness
Assess Process Execution
Assess Process Framework
Assign Process Responsibilities to Organizations
Audit Process
Close Resolution Issues
Collect Evaluation Results
Collect Feedback
Communicate and Deploy Framework
Communicate to Stakeholders
Complete Evaluation
Coordinate Resolution Planning
Create Customer Satisfaction Service Record
Create Project Proposals
Define and Build Report
Define Measurements and Controls
Define Process Policies, Standards, and Conceptual Models
Determine and Customer Satisfaction Patterns and Trends
Determine Process Data Requirements
Determine Process Procedures
Determine Process Relationships to Other Processes
Document Customer Satisfaction Trends, Issues and Statistics
Execute Resolution Plan
Generate and Communicate Reports
Generate Statistical Reports
Identify Process Roles and Responsibilities
Manage Customer Satisfaction Solicitations
Parse and Categorize Customer Satisfaction Information
Plot Aggregated Data
Produce Gap Analysis
Produce Process Measurements
Receive Customer Satisfaction Input
Receive Unsolicited Customer Satisfaction Data
Recommend Initiatives
Research Trends and Best Practices
Review Existing Documentation
Solicit Customer Satisfaction Data
Specify Process Purpose, Scope, Goals, and Capabilities
Verify Issue Resolution
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