Task: Coordinate Resolution Planning
Main Description

Review customer satisfaction issues for the period. Categorize issues based on survey type and severity of the issue. Determine the process and process owner to assign ownership.

The Customer Satisfaction Analyst must invoke Knowledge Management to determine if any of the identified issues have known causes and then provide the Customer Satisfaction Manager with the potential solutions for validation.

The Customer Satisfaction Manager must ensure that issue resolution plans are appropriately recorded and executed. Assign ownership of resolution plans according to results of the categorization and maintain links with other processes that are required to resolve the issues:

  • End User Survey issues may require re-opening the Incident Ticket or logging a new incident.
  • Specialized Survey issues may require further analysis by service owners. Open incident ticket.
  • Executive Survey issues require opening a problem ticket and performing a Root Cause Analysis.
  • Service Level Management process is called to handle service level issues.
  • Knowledge Management process is called to determine ownership of the known issues.

In the case that the Customer Satisfaction survey issue involves a Service Provider, review the results of the survey with the service provider and require an action plan to address the issue.

In the case that an Executive Survey results in severe dissatisfaction, open a problem ticket and immediately execute the Delivery Health Management process.