Artifact: Service Request
Main DescriptionAny request that reaches the IT service provider originated by a user, e.g. incidents, service contacts, change contacts, security administration, general information requests, etc.
Key Considerations

This work product may have any of the following states:

  • Approved - A service request which has met the classification and entitlement rules and which includes all the information needed for fulfillment. It is ready to be fulfilled or routed.
  • Authorized - The communication of a service request which has completed screening and is being passed to one or more other processes for actual fulfillment. It includes control information from the screening (assessment) such as priority assigned and committed completion target.
  • Closed - A service request for which all fulfillment activities have been completed and information about the fulfillment has been captured.
  • Rejected - A service request that is not accepted as falling into one of the pre-defined categories for requests or which fails the entitlement tests. An example of this would be a new requirement for functionality (for which the user should be guided to invoke the Stakeholder Requirements process).

Different types of service requests include the following:

Simple IMACs may be service requests.  More complex ones are typically change requests because they require approval.