Artifact: Change
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Main DescriptionA change, triggered by a change request, which has successfully completed assessment and has subsequently been authorized for implementation. The authorization includes details of schedule options and any implementation conditions, such as the decision to include the change within the scope of a planned release.
Key Considerations

The different states of a change include the following:

  • Assessed - The change, including the collection of assessment recommendations.
  • Categorized - The change request, which has completed acceptance, and so is now recognized as a 'change'. The categorization indicates the types and levels of assessment needed.
  • Closed - The change having completed all parts of the change lifecycle, and reached 'closed' status.
  • Implemented - The history and record of the change implementation activity which has culminated in the completion of the change related to the change request. It also includes the case of a failed implementation, with any backout results.