Role: Change Manager
The Change Manager is primarily responsible for the overall quality of the Change Management process. He/she is the main coordinator within this process and is the focal point regarding changes for both the customer and the IT organization. Therefore, all managers in the IT organization must support the individual in this role.
Extends: Process Manager
Role Sets: Change Management Roles
Main Description


  • Accepts, prioritizes, and categorizes change requests
  • Rejects outright any change request that is completely out of scope or out of policy for Change Management
  • Chairs the Change Advisory Board (CAB) and Emergency Change Advisory Board (ECAB) meetings 
  • Ensures that all preparations have been made for a CAB meeting, including creating of agenda, circulation of change requests to be considered, and inviting of participants
  • Has the ability to review all planned changes
  • Obtains authorization for submitted change requests from the Change Authority
  • Ensures post review of exception changes to evaluate if the change addressed a real or a perceived exception condition
  • Utilizes the Change Management reporting system to monitor and track changes
  • Negotiates end-user down time for change implementation
  • Creates consolidated change schedule and resolves any scheduling conflicts
  • Identifies change requests that have not been acted upon in a timely manner and takes appropriate action
  • Ensures that changes are communicated in a timely and adequate manner
  • Create and distribute Change Management reports
  • Reviews all implemented changes to ensure that they have been carried out
  • Closes change requests
  • Carries out the Process Manager responsibilities for the Change Management process
Key Considerations
See the Process Administrator and Process Owner roles.