Role: Service Level Manager
The Service Level Manager is responsible for the quality and integrity of the Service Level Management process. He/she is the interface to the customer and to the other process managers.
Extends: Process Manager
Role Sets: Service Level Management Roles
Main Description


  • Formulates and agrees with an appropriate Service Level Management structure for the organization, to include:
    • Service Level Agreement structure (e.g. Service based, Customer based or Multi -Level)
    • Operational Level Agreements with the Service Provider
    • Third Party Supplier / Contract Management relationships to the Service Level Management Process
    • Accommodating any existing Service Improvement Plans / Programs within the SLM process
  • Negotiates and agrees with the Service Level Agreements with the Customer.
  • Negotiates and agrees with the Operational Level Agreements with the Service Provider.
  • Negotiates and agrees with both the Customer and Service Provider any Service Level Requirements for any proposed new / developing services.
  • Analyses and reviews Service Performance against the SLAs and OLAs.
  • Organizes and maintains the regular Service Level review process with both the IT Customer and Service Provider which covers:
    • Review outstanding actions from previous Reviews;
    • Current Performance;
    • Reviews Service Levels and targets (where necessary);
    • Reviews underpinning agreements and OLAs as necessary
    • Agree with appropriate actions to maintain / improve Service Levels.
    • Initiates any actions required to maintain or improve Service Levels
  • Conducts annual (as appropriate) reviews of the entire Service Level Management Process and negotiates, agrees with and controls any amendments necessary.
  • Acts as co-ordination point for any temporary changes to Service Levels required (i.e. extra support hours required by the Customer, reduced Levels of Service over a period of maintenance required by the Service Provider etc.)
  • Ensures that appropriate changes are assessed for their impact on service levels
  • Carries out the Process Manager responsibilities for the Service Level Management process
Key Considerations
See the Process Administrator and Process Owner roles.