Tool Mentor: ITM - Resolve Incident and Recover Service
TM074 - How to Use IBM Tivoli Monitoring to Automatically Recover a Service
Tool: IBM Tivoli Monitoring
Main Description


Tool mentors explain how a tool can perform tasks, which are part of ITUP processes and activities. The tasks are listed as Related Elements in the Relationships section.

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The IBM® Tivoli® Monitoring includes support for response actions. The product is able to act on an indication (each situation will generate an indication if certain conditions that are implied by the thresholds of the situation are not satisfied in a given cycle) by sending an e-mail to a specified address, sending a notice to a notice group, running a program, and sending an event to the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console®.

It is possible to associate one or more recovery actions with a specific indication. These actions are automatically triggered when the indication occurs and can restore a satisfactory system service level. Actions are associated with either the execution of a CIM method or the execution of a program. For example, if you are monitoring Windows 2003® services and an indication is generated when a service stops, you can associate the indication with a recovery action that restarts the interrupted service.

Some out-of-the-box situations include built-in actions that can be performed when a resource fails. For example, the NT_Service_Error situation checks that the services that are specified by the user are running and functioning properly. Events are generated when:

  • User-specified services are stopped.
  • User-specified services are unstable.
Services Failing Service

This indication is sent when one of the user-specified services is in an unstable state.

Services Stopped Service

This indication is sent when one of the user-specified services is stopped. If a key service is stopped, it must be restarted to ensure that the Windows operating system is working properly.

Built-in actions

This resource model contains the following built-in actions:

Indication Built-in actions
Start Services Action If the service is in a started or paused state, this action stops the service and then starts it again.
Stop Services Action If the service is in a started or paused state, this action stops the service.

For More Information

For more information about this tool, click on the link for this tool at the top of this page.