Artifact: Solution
Main Description

This is the Solution which has been approved by the stakeholder community, and is now ready to be deployed.

Key Considerations

May be in one of the following states:

  • Accepted - The Solution which has been approved by the stakeholder community, and is now ready to be deployed.
  • Deployed - The new or adjusted solution in 'live' status, ready for useful work within its target environment, and reflecting the outcome of the deployment activities.  The deployed solution includes documentation, procedures, training materials, support guidance as well as the primary solution contents.
  • Designed - Solution design, including Conceptual Design, Macro Design, Micro Design, together with identified issues and risks, formally validated and approved (signed off) by the key stakeholders. It not only covers all the functional and non-functional requirements of the solution, but also the design for meeting the compliance reporting requirements that are applicable to the solution.
  • Installed - A solution under deployment for which all tasks required to achieve deployment status have been completed other than final activation.
  • Integrated - Completely assembled solution ready to be moved from the development and integration environment and into the test environment. Usually includes work products and features required to support solution testing and acceptance.
  • Tuned - Integrated solution after refining and fine tuning the overall solution as well as solution components and connections between them. Performed according to a prescribed, organization wide procedure.
  • Verified - Integrated solution after verification by all the relevant stakeholders with all the verification issues (deviations from standards and procedures) formally resolved.

See also Solution Assembly.