Artifact: Event
Main Description

Details of individual and collective events. They are available to any Service Management process for investigation, diagnosis and other analytical purposes on a real-time or historical basis.

Key Considerations

 The different states of a change include the following:

  • Closed - The event audit trail and lifecycle with the addition of any information from the event closure activity.
  • Derived - A new event created as a result of correlation across multiple events, usually signifying some new out-of-tolerance conditions requiring action.
  • Escalated - An event, or set of events, that requires re-examination and filtering as a result of event processing or correlation. This is typically indicated by increasing the priority classification.
  • Processed - An event which has been analyzed as to the cause of the out-of-tolerance conditions which led to its creation and for which a plan, within the scope of event management, has been formulated to resolve those conditions.
  • Ready for Closure - The complete audit trail of an event and all states of processing through its lifecycle.
  • Significant - Unsolicited, (formatted), significant information which must be communicated from a managed object for the purpose of meeting a management objective.
    An Alert is an example of a significant event. It is defined by ITIL as: "A warning that a threshold has been reached, something has changed, or a Failure has occurred. Alerts are often created and managed by System Management tools and are managed by the Event Management Process." 1

1 ITIL Glossary