Process: A54 - Configuration Management
Configuration Management identifies, controls, and maintains all elements in the IT infrastructure called Configuration Items. To get more information, select Description (introduction and list of tool mentors), Work Breakdown Structure (workflow diagram and table), Team Allocation (table of roles), or Work Product Usage (table of work products).
DescriptionWorkflowRolesWork Products

The purpose of the Configuration Management process is to maintain the integrity of the configuration item (CI) employed in, or related to, IT systems and infrastructure, and to provide accurate information about CIs and their relationships.


Read the Configuration Management Key Concepts.

Important links


As a result of the successful implementation of this process:

  • All configuration items within IT systems and infrastructure are accurately identified and cataloged
  • All configuration items are adequately tracked and controlled
  • Authorized requests to obtain CIs from secure libraries or stores – or to return them – are satisfied promptly and accurately
  • Accurate configuration information is provided in response to informational requests
  • Any exceptions between configuration records and the corresponding CIs are identified and corrected


Relationship with Asset Management

To properly understand Configuration Management, it is necessary to understand its relationship with Asset Management. Asset Management keeps track of things of value (assets) to an IT organization, whether that value is financial, technical, or otherwise, throughout the asset's entire life cycle. That life cycle stretches from the time the asset is ordered or commissioned to the time when it is retired and disposed.

At various stages in an asset's life cycle, the usage of that asset can cause it to become a part of some larger object requiring management (for example, a processor is added to a pool of processors allocated to a particular task) or it can be split into a number of parts at smaller granularity (for example, a physical server is operated as several virtual servers). Similarly, an ERP system licensed from a vendor might represent one or a handful of assets to be tracked (for financial or contract management purposes), whereas it can represent hundreds of modules which must be identified individually. For example, for local customization, problem determination, or maintenance patch application purposes.

The characteristic of these events is that the asset has been applied to some defined purpose, typically through any or all of the Solution Development and Integration process, the Release Management process and the Deployment Management process. At these times, those parts become configuration items (CIs) and are managed by Configuration Management. Configuration Management focuses on the internal and external relationships of a CI and addresses the configuration needs of a stage in an asset's life cycle.  

Configuration Management in Development

Configuration Management may be performed within the context of either IT development and IT operations.  The description of Configuration Management here addresses only the needs of IT operations.  To understand how Configuration Management works within the context of IT development, see the Rational Unified Process

Common Data

In practical terms, Asset Management and Configuration Management carry out their activities using data about these assets and CIs, which is largely common to them both, though each has some attributes and relationships not significant to the other. Successful implementation of both processes requires joint work on their data models and clear rules (that is, governance) on which process owns any shared attribute.

Types of CIs

The ITIL® definitions of asset and of configuration item include a range of types of IT elements which can fall under Configuration Management. Whether an implementation covers all or just some of these types, it is likely that there will be some process aspects that are dependent on the needs of different component types. Consideration of a few examples illustrates this:

  • Each hardware item is a candidate for both configuration and asset management, though probably at different levels of granularity. An IT organization will want to keep track of that hardware item throughout its life cycle from the standpoint of Asset Management. At the same time, when that system is operational, Configuration Management might be interested in internal hardware components (which are CIs) as well as other CIs that have some operational relationship to this CI. Hardware items cannot usually be cloned.
  • Software components might have no record in the asset register. They can be subject to tight access controls (for example, to avoid erroneous multiple update during development) and at the same time they can be cloned to create as many instances as needed within limitations such as license counts. Larger software elements, such as applications can be both a CI as well as an asset.

The process will also need to take into account the arrangement of the set of internal and external service providers and establish appropriate interfaces with the Configuration Management process of those service providers.


  • Establishing naming conventions for configuration items and relationships
  • Designing, creating, populating, and updating the Configuration Management System (CMS)
  • Managing movements into and out of secure libraries
  • Supporting configuration item audits
  • Identifying configuration item interdependencies
  • Linking configuration item changes to specific change requests (RFCs)
  • Defining and reporting configuration baselines


  • Inventory tracking (Asset Management)
  • Procurement of configuration items (Supplier Management)
  • Tuning and installing configuration items (Capacity Management, Deployment Management)
  • Assets that are not CIs, such as:
    • Items ordered but not received
    • Items no longer in operation
    • Bulk inventory
    • Assets not operationally managed
  • Configuration Management within a development context.  For information about that, see the Rational Unified Process.

Key performance indicators

  • Satisfaction of Incident Management with CMS accuracy, completeness, and usefulness
  • Satisfaction of Change Management with CMS accuracy, completeness, and usefulness
  • Percent of IT-controlled CIs represented in the CMS
  • Percent of IT-controlled CI interdependencies in the CMS
  • Number of updates made to the CMS
  • Number of inaccuracies discovered in CMS data
  • The elapsed time and direct costs
    • In this process domain
    • In each process step and between steps

Relation to other processes

Further reading

See Configuration Management in the ITIL documentation.

In addition, see the IBM Service Management Web page.

Event DrivenYes
Multiple Occurrences
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