Process: A73 - Availability Management
Availability Management provides a cost-effective and defined level of availability of the IT services that enable the business to reach its objectives. To get more information, select Description (introduction and list of tool mentors), Work Breakdown Structure (workflow diagram and table), Team Allocation (table of roles), or Work Product Usage (table of work products).
DescriptionWorkflowRolesWork Products

The purpose of Availability Management is to match the availability of the IT services against the current and future identified needs of the business or to exceed them. Availability Management enhances the availability of services by planning long-term service availability, measuring and monitoring service availability, and formulating service availability design criteria that meet requirements.


Read the Availability Management Key Concepts.

Important links


As a result of the successful implementation of the Availability Management process:

  • IT infrastructure provides a consistent level of availability that enables the business to meet its current and future objectives
  • Availability related incidents and problems are minimized
  • The provided level of availability is cost justified and optimized


ITIL® defines components of availability to be:


  • Availability needs and requirements
  • Identification of capabilities needed to meet requirements
  • New and existing IT services
  • Ensuring that availability provision of underlying services and suppliers in support of primary IT services is factored in
  • Considering all aspects of IT service delivery and support that could impact availability (training, tools)


  • Business Continuity Management or disaster recovery (Business responsibility along with IT Service Continuity Management)
  • Direct handling of service failures (Incident Management)
  • Approval of capabilities needed to meet requirements (Portfolio Management)
  • Creation of capabilities needed to meet requirements (Realization category of processes)
  • Managing suppliers (Supplier Management)

Key performance indicators

  • Number of agreed upon service level agreements (SLA) and operations level agreements (OLA) with availability metrics
  • Percent of SLA and OLA availability metrics that can be proactively maintained through automatic recovery actions
  • Percent of IT resource usage covered by SLA and OLA with availability metrics
  • Customer satisfaction with SLA and OLA availability parameters and attainment
  • Percent of SLA and OLA availability parameters attained
  • Percent of SLA and OLA availability parameters clearly prioritized based on the value of the service or agreement
  • Value of SLA and OLA availability parameters attained versus not attained
  • Accuracy of attainment projections throughout period
  • Percent improvement in service availability
  • Percent reduction in service unavailability
  • Percent improvement in mean time between failures
  • The elapsed time and direct costs:
    • In this process domain
    • In each process step and between steps

Relation to other processes

For more information

For more information, see Availability Management in the ITIL documentation. 

Also, see the IBM® Service Management Web page.

Event Driven
Multiple Occurrences
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