Artifact: Release
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Main Description

The packaging of one or more solutions along with all the materials (scripts, documentation, for example) needed for successful deployment.

See the definition of release.   

Key Considerations

A release record should indicate the status of the release. Examples of status include: 

  • Open - The release is in the process of being entered for processing
  • Built - The components of the release have been created, assembled, and technically tested
  • Accepted - The release has been tested and accepted
  • Scheduled - The release has been given a firm deployment date.
  • Communicated - The release has been communicated to the relevant parties and user training has taken place.
  • Deployed - The release has been deployed (either successfully or unsuccessfully).
  • Closed - The release is no longer available for deployment.
  • Cancelled – The packaging of the release has been rejected or cancelled.