Tool Mentor: TEC - Deliver Service
TM002 - How to Use IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console to Monitor Service Execution
Tool: IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console
Main Description


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The IBM® Tivoli® Enterprise Console® product is the central recipient and repository of enterprise-wide events. These events can be generated by various systems management sources such as Tivoli software or products from other vendors. An operator can readily identify service availability issues by viewing the Class column or the Message column of the Tivoli Enterprise Console event viewer. This information, coupled with the color-coded severity, enables the operator to quickly discern significant service degradation and outages.

Viewing availability issues in TEC
Figure 1: Viewing availability issues in TEC

The Tivoli Enterprise Console rules engine can analyze, process, and correlate events to launch corrective actions, establish root-cause associations, notify appropriate personnel, automatically open trouble tickets, and perform other actions. Should intervention be required, the Tivoli Enterprise Console event viewer enables an operator to trigger the opening of a trouble ticket in the context of the event. This integration with trouble-ticketing systems includes two-way synchronization of the status of the event.

TEC integration with Trouble Ticket systems
Figure 2: TEC integration with Trouble Ticket systems

The Tivoli Enterprise Console product comes with the Tivoli Data Warehouse Enablement Pack Version 1.2 that extracts availability data from the Tivoli Enterprise Console database for outage reporting. Availability data is examined against service level attainments by IBM Tivoli Service Level Advisor. Availability data includes events that report a transition in the state of an object, such as an application or service shutting down. The data extracted by the Tivoli Data Warehouse Enablement Pack can also be used to generate user-written reports for trending purposes and the identification of current and potential issues.

For More Information

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