Artifact: Request Fulfillment Framework
Main Description

The framework that contains all relevant information about the structure of the Request Fulfillment process, for example:

  • structure of the request fulfillment center (often known as or linked to a 'service desk')
  • technology support
  • request routing tables and completion details of request completion targets and commitments
  • format of information transfer
  • categorization and prioritization aspects for service requests.

It defines the records which should be kept for each service request containing all relevant details across the lifecycle of the request. Information in a record includes data relevant to service provider analysis as well as the details directly relevant to the requestor.

Brief Outline

Process Rationale and Direction

  • Process Purpose
  • Process Scope
  • Process Goals
  • Process Capabilities

Process Management Information

  • Process Policies
  • Process Standards
  • Process Conceptual Models

Process Details

  • Data Requirements
  • Tools
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Procedures
  • Relationships to Other Processes
  • Measurements and Controls
Key Considerations
This work product provides general guidance for the entire process and may be referenced by any task within this process.