Tool: IBM Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator
Main Description

IBM® Tivoli® Intelligent Orchestrator (TIO) helps improve return of IT assets and increase server utilization. It helps boost server-to-administrator ratios by automatically triggering the provisioning, configuration, and deployment of a solution into production. This automated process supports servers, operating systems, storage, middleware, applications, and network devices. By utilizing existing hardware, software, and network devices without rewiring, you can minimize implementation times and achieve a faster return on investment.

This tool can be applied to these processes and activities:

Tool Mentor
Capacity Management Supervise Tuning and Capacity Delivery TIO - Supervise Tuning and Capacity Delivery
Supervise Tuning and Capacity Delivery TIO - Supervise Tuning and Capacity Delivery
Service Execution Schedule and Adjust Workload TIO - Schedule and Adjust Workload
Assign and Control Delivery Resources TIO - Assign and Control Delivery Resources

For more information about this product, see