Tool Mentor: TPA - Flag and Analyze Exceptions
TM173 - How to Use Tivoli Performance Analyzer to Flag and Analyze Exceptions
Tool: IBM Tivoli Performance Analyzer
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IBM® Tivoli® Performance Analyzer (ITPA) is a seamless extension to IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM). It extends ITM by adding targeted performance and capacity management capabilities.

ITM itself provides extensive data collection capabilities enabling it to monitor IT performance and availability for system, application and user experience standpoints. Through the Tivoli Data Warehouse (TDW), ITM enables the integration of historical, near-term and real-time information in a single, customizable user interface.

ITPA leverages the data collected by ITM and applies analytics to produce targeted performance and capacity metrics. The analytics generated by ITPA can be treated just like any other ITM metric; for example they can be used in reporting, combined into status objects and used to create alerts.

Within Performance and Capacity reports these analytics will automatically flag over and under utilized resources. Resources identified as being over utilized can be targeted for increased capacity. Under utilized resources could become the target of consolidation activities to reduce the operation costs of running at over capacity. Once identified users can drill down to analyze how resource performance and capacity has progressed historically.

Figure 1: Capacity Reports in IBM Tivoli Performance Analyzer
Figure 1: Capacity Reports in IBM Tivoli Performance Analyzer

Using ITM’s integrated Situation feature enables ITPA to automatically alert on key performance and capacity scenarios. Users will receive automatic notification on current and forecasted performance and capacity problems enabling more effective proactive management and the avoidance of problems.

Figure 2: Capacity Management Exceptions in IBM Tivoli Performance Analyzer
Figure 2: Capacity Management Exceptions in IBM Tivoli Performance Analyzer

For More Information

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