Qualification and Tools
There are misunderstandings concerning ITIL qualification/certification. Can software tools be "ITIL certified"?
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When it comes to ITIL® qualification (formerly known as "certification"), it is important to remember that you can only qualify people, not software or tools.

Currently, ITIL qualification applies only to individuals, not to tools or organizations. This qualification indicates a level of training and education. There are various levels of qualification, and the qualification tests are administered by different organization depending on your location. qualifications are provided on a point scale.  For more information, see http://www.itil-officialsite.com/Qualifications/ITILV3QualificationScheme.asp  

Organizations cannot be ITIL certified. The closest to ITIL qualification is auditing an organization against the ISO 20000 standard. This is not specifically an ITIL standard, but it based on ITIL concepts. For more information, see the ISO 20000 page.

It has been suggested that software tools should be ITIL certified. However, there is no such thing as qualifying software tools according to ITIL. It is well-known that some vendors qualify software products according to their view of how aligned a tool is to ITIL concepts and processes. However, this is not supported by itSMF, the organization that oversees ITIL qualification. The ITIL qualification performed by these vendors is just the view of those vendors. For this reason, some software companies such as IBM® do not attempt to qualify their software tools according to these vendors' views.