Tool Mentor: TCCM - Manage Supplier Contracts
TM127 - How to Use the IBM Tivoli Contract Compliance Manager to Manage Supplier Contracts
Tool: IBM Tivoli Contract Compliance Manager
Main Description


Tool mentors explain how a tool can perform tasks, which are part of ITUP processes and activities. The tasks are listed as Related Elements in the Relationships section.

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The IBM® Tivoli® Contract Compliance Manager (TCCM) can store your IT agreements for easy retrieval of key terms and conditions. Using the predefined Agreements by Vendor view under the Agreements and Financials category or Multiple Licenses view under the My Views category, agreement information can be accessed by expanding a Vendor. Next select the desired agreement. The details of the agreement are displayed in the Property Viewer.

Details of the agreement in the Property Viewer
Tree View
List View
Property Viewer

TCCM can store your vendor contacts and associated events. Using the Companies with Contacts and Events view under the Miscellaneous category, vendor contact information can easily be retrieved by expanding the Vendor to contact. Next select the contact to call in order to get the updated pricing. The contact information is displayed in the Property Viewer.

Contract information
Tree View
List View
Property Viewer

Once the information has been received from the vendor, create an Event. In the Tree View, click on the vendor contact that you want to update. In the Property Viewer, click on Event property and click on the ellipse button. Next click on the Available tab and select Event in the list. Next, click on the New tab; a New Event dialog will be displayed. Record your Event. Give the Event a meaningful name for easy look-up, record the date of the event and enter some key points in the Comments field. The Contact property will automatically get populated with the Vendor Contact that you originally selected when the event is saved.

The Contact property will automatically get populated
Tree View
List View
Property Viewer

Now click on Save and Close to save the Event. The new event now appears in the list. Select the new Event, click the Select tab and then click OK. Finally, Click on Save in the main toolbar.

The new event will appear in the List View.

The new event will appear in the List View.
Tree View
List View
Property Viewer

For More Information

For more information about this tool, click on the link for this tool at the top of this page.