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IBM® Tivoli® System Automation family of products provide the corrective action capability to restore normal operations
for applications, middleware and hardware resources after an event such as a temporary loss of power, which would
otherwise cause unplanned downtime.
The IBM Tivoli System Automation family of products includes:
IBM Tivoli System Automation for z/OS provides high availability and disaster recovery capabilities for z/OS
systems including Sysplex clusters through policy-based automation
IBM Tivoli AF/OPERATOR provides high availability for z/OS systems through REXX-based automation
IBM Tivoli AF/REMOTE provides secure outboard automation and console consolidation for disparate operating systems
IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms Base Component provides availability and disaster recovery
automation (stop, start, move/failover, restart in place) for Linux®, Linux for zSeries and AIX systems through
policy-based automation
IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms End-to-End Component provides coordinated, cross-cluster/resource
automation and high availability for multi-tiered applications
There are several key activities required to fully automate your Event Management process including: Detecting and
logging events by monitoring various system resources; filtering the events to identify only those abnormal events for
which a response is needed; correlating, escalating and processing events; and finally taking corrective action to
resolve and close events.
The System Automation family of products is capable of identifying certain events affecting application, middleware and
hardware resources, logging them and determining the appropriate automated corrective action in order to restore normal
operations while preventing unplanned downtime. For example, in the case of a temporary loss of power that causes a
primary server to shutdown, System Automation will determine if it is possible to restart the application in place, and
if not the application will be restarted on a backup server in order to prevent unplanned downtime.
The System Automation family of products also sends event information to IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console®, which
correlates events across systems, networks, databases and applications to help operators better understand event
patterns and determine root cause of failure.
Even more advanced and proactive performance-based automated event resolution can be achieved by using deep-dive
monitoring and diagnostic products, including IBM Tivoli OMEGAMON® XE, IBM Tivoli Monitoring and IBM Tivoli Composite
Application Manager, to invoke automated responses by the System Automation family of products.
For example, consider a system where IBM WebSphere® Application Server is running in an AIX cluster and experiences a
problem where it slows down and then eventually crashes. Tivoli Composite Application Manager for WebSphere is used to
provide comprehensive memory heap analysis to determine where the memory leak occurs, and when a specified system
performance threshold is breached, invokes Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms to restart the application
server in place before the system experiences further degraded performance. By employing both Tivoli solutions in this
case, the system is held at the most efficient operating level possible with the highest degree of safety against
unplanned downtime.
The Web-based operations console for Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatform Base component provides intuitive
management and control of cluster-wide application resources and components.
For More Information
For more information about this tool, click on the link for this tool at the top of this page.