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IBM® Tivoli® Storage Manager is specifically designed to manage the Backup and Restore operations for a wide range of
business environments from the small to the very large. Heterogeneous and multi-vendor systems and storage resources
can present challenges to backup and restore operations but Tivoli Storage Manager is designed to handle it. Tivoli
Storage Manager scales to protect thousands of computers running a dozen operating systems ranging from laptops to
mainframes and that are connected together through the Internet, WANs, LANs, or SANs. Tivoli Storage Manager
centralized Web-based management, smart data movement, and storage techniques leverage comprehensive policy-based
automation to minimize data protection administration costs and the impact to both computers and networks. Figure 1
shows the scope of Tivoli Storage Manager as a Backup and Restore solution.

Figure 1. Tivoli Storage Manager Environment
Tivoli Storage Manager employs a virtualized model of the physical disk and tape resources that it uses in the process
of protecting data. A Tivoli Storage Manager storage pool represents a set of volumes of a similar type of media, for
example, disk volumes and LTO tape volumes. Tivoli Storage Manager arranges storage pools into a hierarchy and manages
the placement and movement of data within the hierarchy. Tivoli Storage Manager policy can be used to specify the
destination pool for a given type of data and in fact can control access down to the individual file level. Tivoli
Storage Manager supports backing up to like storage and from one storage medium to another. For example, data that is
located on disk and on the network can be sent directly to a Tivoli Storage Manager disk storage pool where it would be
considered on like storage or directly to tape where the storage medium has changed or where it can be sent first to
disk and Tivoli Storage Manager can use policy to decide if, when, and where to migrate it to other storage pools
including off-site storage pools.
Tivoli Storage Manager can be used to satisfy availability or disaster recovery requirements. In terms of availability,
Tivoli Storage Manager has the capability of backing up one storage pool to one or more other storage pools, which
allows for both on-site and off-site copies of the data. If anything were to go wrong with data in the original backup,
Tivoli Storage Manager can automatically fail over to obtain it from another copy of the data thereby ensuring that
data is available for recovery when needed.
Tivoli Storage Manager also includes several core functions related to Backup and Restore.
Tivoli Storage Manager core functions:
Data backup and restore
Backups are copies of active online data that is stored on offline storage. Should an online storage device
fail if a data error occurs or if someone accidentally deletes a file, the offline copy of that data can be
copied (restored) to online storage.
Tivoli Storage Manager uses multiple techniques to make data backups and restores as fast, flexible, and
low-impact as possible.
Data archive and retrieve
Data archives are copies of active or inactive data from online storage copied to offline storage. Archives
are used to keep point-in-time copies of important data for regulatory or bookkeeping requirements and to
move inactive data from expensive online storage to less-expensive offline storage. Data archives
implemented by Tivoli Storage Manager are managed for a defined lifetime through the policy-automation
engine, just like backed-up data. The Storage Manager client can help quickly and easily retrieve the
archived data, helping to effectively extend data storage capabilities without the need for more expensive
online storage.
Protection of business-critical applications
When thinking of backup and restore, many people immediately think of file system data. However, there are
many applications that require online backup capabilities to ensure that a backup is consistent and can be
restored correctly.
The Tivoli Storage Manager client and server architecture facilitates this by providing a variety of
clients. The Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client provides protection for file system data and the
Tivoli Storage Manager data protection clients (listed in the product components section) interface
directly with applications such as database and mail applications to ensure that mission critical data is
fully protected. Tivoli Storage Manager also provides a Tivoli Storage Manager client application
programming interface (API) that allows Tivoli and ISVs to produce new data protection clients as needed.
Tivoli Storage Manager data management is very flexible because fundamentally Tivoli Storage Manager
manages generic data objects without imposing limitations on the type of data. This capability means that
there is great opportunity to produce custom Tivoli Storage Manager clients to support virtually any type
of application or data.
Tivoli Storage Manager includes a number of components that are used to handle a wide range of environments.
Product Components
Tivoli Storage Manager is based upon a client and server architecture. The Tivoli Storage Manager server is responsible
for managing the location and movement of data. Various types of Tivoli Storage Manager clients are responsible for
accessing data at the source so that it can be backed up and restored or archived and retrieved.
Here is the current set of Tivoli Storage Manager components. For more information on these components see the
references listed below.
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Extended Edition
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Storage Area Networks
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Application Servers
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Databases
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Enterprise Resource Planning
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Hardware
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Mail
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Space Management
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for System Backup And Recovery (SYSBACK)
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Application Programming Interface (API)
IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Data Retention
Tivoli Storage Manager is a mature and expanding product and a lot of information has been written about how it can be
used to support all kinds of business environments. There are a number of manuals and IBM Redbooks (see references
below) dedicated to using Tivoli Storage Manager to support the planning, establishing, testing, and implementing the
backup and recovery procedures that are required to restore data, as part of overall service restoration and Incident
For more information, refer to:
For information on managing the data lifecycle, you can search for:
Policy Configuration Scenarios
Managing Storage Pools and Volumes
Using Disaster Recovery Manager
For an excellent detailed overview of Tivoli Storage Manager, see: "Beyond backup toward storage management" at
Also refer to Chapter 1,Introducing Tivoli Storage Manager of the Tivoli Storage Manager Quick Start manual. This
chapter includes a detailed section on Tivoli Storage Manager Architecture and on how Tivoli Storage Manager works. The
Quick Start manual can be located here: IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for Windows
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