Activity: A535 - Perform Deployment
DescriptionWorkflowRolesWork Products

Activity diagram: Perform Deployment Distribute and Install Deployment Items Verify Readiness of Targets Prepare Secure Access to Deployed Items Remove Redundant Capabilities Integrate with Internal and External Systems Perform Integration Testing Create CI and Asset Data Update Packages

Activity detail diagram: Perform Deployment Deployment Specialist Distribute and Install Deployment Items Verify Readiness of Targets Prepare Secure Access to Deployed Items Remove Redundant Capabilities Integrate with Internal and External Systems Deployment Specialist Deployment Specialist Perform Integration Testing Create CI and Asset Data Update Packages Deployment Specialist Release Deployment Program Plan Deployment Items Change Implementation Communication Deployment Capabilities Distribute and Install Deployment Items Release Asset Data Update Package CI Data Update Package Implementation Progress Data Solution Distribute and Install Deployment Items Release Deployment Program Plan Deployment Items Verify Readiness of Targets Release Deployment Items Verify Readiness of Targets Release Deployment Program Plan Prepare Secure Access to Deployed Items Identity and Access Request Security Request Release Prepare Secure Access to Deployed Items Deployment Program Plan Deployment Items Remove Redundant Capabilities Asset Data Update Package Asset Remove Redundant Capabilities Deployment Items Integrate with Internal and External Systems Deployment Items Integrate with Internal and External Systems Deployment Items Perform Integration Testing Deployment Items Perform Integration Testing Deployment Items Deployment Records Create CI and Asset Data Update Packages Asset Data Update Package CI Data Update Package Create CI and Asset Data Update Packages
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