Process: A11 - IT Governance and Management System Framework
Laying the foundation for building the IT Governance and Management System. (Note: This process is described at the activity level only.)
DescriptionWorkflowRolesWork Products

The purpose of the IT Governance and Management System Framework process is to lay the foundation for building the governance and management of an IT organization or undertaking, taking into account such factors as vision, values, goals, and overall business objectives. Further, it establishes guiding principles (or a management philosophy) based on those factors.

This framework plays a key role in aligning the IT entity with the overall approach of the business. To be effective, the IT Governance and Management System must focus on cultural as well as business aspects. This process does not identify the priorities of the business, but rather the approach to operating the various IT projects and processes in a coordinated fashion, that will manage their progress and health.



As a result of the successful implementation of this process:

  • Clear, unambiguous objectives and roadmaps for the overall IT Governance and Management System are set
  • Overall IT governance meets the objectives provided by the owning business
  • The IT management system aligns with the overall business management system
  • Management system directions are transformed into a functional, workable, and implementable management system


The framework for IT will be established within an overall governance and management framework set by the business. It adds IT-relevant characteristics to relevant aspects of the business framework and any items unique to IT undertakings.


The specification of:

  • Specifying:
    • Management models
    • Guiding principles
    • Policies and standards
    • Measurement and control approaches, such as CIO dashboard, balanced scorecard
    • Quality management approaches
  • Defining critical success factors
  • Generating a list of decision areas and issues, and selecting decision options based on guiding principles, values, and assumptions
  • Responding to any identified gaps between the current baseline and the desired framework
  • Communicating direction


  • Identifying gaps between the current governance and management baseline and the desired framework (IT Governance and Management System Evaluation)
  • Priorities and decisions on the business results of IT (Portfolio Management)
  • IT strategy for the business (IT Strategy)
Event DrivenYes
Multiple Occurrences