Activity: A523 - Design and Build Release
DescriptionWorkflowRolesWork Products

Activity diagram: Design and Build Release Build Release Design Release Build, Installation and Remediation Scripts Create Build and Test Environments Create Support, Training, and Deployment Documentation Update Release Information Put in DML and Create Definitive Spares Create Build, Installation and Remediation Scripts Monitor Update to Solution Gather Release Components

Activity detail diagram: Design and Build Release Release Specialist Build Release Design Release Build, Installation and Remediation Scripts Create Build and Test Environments Create Support, Training, and Deployment Documentation Update Release Information Release Specialist Release Specialist Put in DML and Create Definitive Spares Create Build, Installation and Remediation Scripts Release Specialist Release Strategy Release Asset Deployment Items and Data Solution Build Release Release Release Strategy Implementation Progress Data CI Data Update Package Build Release Release Release Strategy Solution Service Resilience Plans Configuration Information Operational Documentation Project Plan Design Release Build, Installation and Remediation Scripts Release Release Strategy Asset Deployment Inquiries and Requisitions Solution Design Request Design Release Build, Installation and Remediation Scripts Asset Deployment Items and Data Configuration Information Solution Operational Documentation Create Build and Test Environments Asset Deployment Inquiries and Requisitions Create Build and Test Environments Asset Deployment Items and Data Configuration Information Solution Operational Documentation Release Strategy Create Support, Training, and Deployment Documentation Release Create Support, Training, and Deployment Documentation Asset Deployment Items and Data Configuration Information Solution Operational Documentation Update Release Information CI Data Update Package Asset Data Update Package Release Implementation Progress Data Update Release Information Release Release Test Results Definitive Spares Definitive Media Library (DML) Configuration Information Asset Deployment Items and Data Put in DML and Create Definitive Spares Release Release Reports Definitive Spares Definitive Media Library (DML) Put in DML and Create Definitive Spares Release Release Strategy Create Build, Installation and Remediation Scripts Release Create Build, Installation and Remediation Scripts Release Owner Monitor Update to Solution Gather Release Components Release Owner Solution Monitor Update to Solution Solution Monitor Update to Solution Solution Asset Deployment Items and Data Gather Release Components Asset Deployment Items and Data Solution Gather Release Components
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