Process: A27 - Customer Satisfaction Management
Measuring how satisfied customers are with IT services. (Note: This process is described at the activity level only.)
DescriptionWorkflowRolesWork Products

The purpose of the Customer Satisfaction Management process is to determine if customers are satisfied, and the degree of their satisfaction with the services, solutions, and offerings from the providers of IT. In addition to this determination, the process aims to proactively predict what the customer satisfaction will be, and then to determine what must be done to maintain or, where appropriate, enhance satisfaction and customer loyalty.

Definition of customer satisfaction: An expression of perceived actual service received versus expected (committed) service.



As a result of the successful implementation of this process:

  • Customer satisfaction and loyalty will be sustained and enhanced
  • Customer satisfaction can be measured and tracked
  • Early signs of customer dissatisfaction can be addressed and resolved before major issues emerge
  • Causes of customer dissatisfaction are remedied 


This process is active throughout the service life cycle. It begins at the first contact with a customer as part of the effort to determine wants and needs, and continues through either creating a satisfied customer or with the monitoring of remedial actions to correct any problems leading to customer dissatisfaction. It encompasses the entirety of IT services, solutions and offerings (the IT service catalog).


  • Identifying customer types and classes
  • Understanding:
    • Customer expectations
    • Customer perceptions
  • Analysis of the current services catalog
  • Ongoing identification of the key factors contributing to customer satisfaction and loyalty or dissatisfaction
  • Development and maintenance of measurements of satisfaction and loyalty
  • Collection and analysis of such measurements
  • Planning, directing, and monitoring of efforts to remedy customer dissatisfaction, as well as to increase satisfaction, on both a proactive and reactive basis
  • Communicating constraints and decision criteria agreed with customers transparently to users


  • Execution of specific corrective actions for resolving issues (any other process, depending on the issue)
  • Fulfillment of specific customer requirements (handled through Service Marketing and Sales)
  • Ongoing activities for managing service agreements and service level attainment (Service Level Management)

Key Performance Indicators

  • Number of escalations per time unit (for example, per quarter)
  • Number of process Improvements per time unit (for example, per quarter)
    • Number of improvement requests submitted
    • Number rejected
    • Number accepted and implemented
    • Number accepted and on backlog
  • Number of noncompliances per time unit (for example, per quarter)
  • Number of major customer concerns (as defined by the customer) per time unit (for example, per quarter)
  • Percentage of closed requests per time unit that represent service level attainment Issues
  • Percentage of original requests that are re-opened
  • Percentage of eligible end user survey candidates responding to survey

Relationship to Other Processes

  • Service Marketing and Sales provides customer profiles and marketing and sales reports to Customer Satisfaction Management.  In return, Customer Satisfaction Management provides reports about customer satisfaction to Service Marketing and Sales. 
  • Customer Satisfaction Management keeps Service Level Management informed about how customer satisfaction is impacting on service level targets. Service Level Management forwards customer satisfaction issues and service review results to Customer Satisfaction Management. 
  • Customer satisfaction issues that must be immediately resolved are sent to Incident Management.
  • Customer Satisfaction Management coordinates with Request Fulfillment to handle customer satisfaction issues that come to the Service Desk.   
  • Unsatisfactory deployments (Deployment Management) may be an issue for Customer Satisfaction Management 
  • Customer Satisfaction results may help determine the contents of the service catalog (Service Catalog Management).

Event DrivenYes
Multiple Occurrences