Activity: A634 - Control, Deploy and Maintain Data
DescriptionWorkflowRolesWork Products

Activity diagram: Control, Deploy and Maintain Data Catalog Data Notify Stakeholder Place and Prepare Data Reject and Notify Stakeholder Transfer Data Perform Other Data Lifecycle Request

Activity detail diagram: Control, Deploy and Maintain Data Data Specialist Catalog Data Notify Stakeholder Place and Prepare Data Reject and Notify Stakeholder Transfer Data Data Specialist Data Specialist Perform Other Data Lifecycle Request Data Specialist Data Lifecycle Request Data Catalog Data Data Resource Catalog Data CI Data Update Package Catalog Data Data Lifecycle Request Notify Stakeholder Stakeholder Notification Notify Stakeholder Data Lifecycle Request Data Place and Prepare Data Data CI Data Update Package Place and Prepare Data Data Lifecycle Request Configuration Information Transfer Data Data CI Data Update Package Transfer Data Data Lifecycle Request Data Perform Other Data Lifecycle Request Data CI Data Update Package Security Request Perform Other Data Lifecycle Request
Work Breakdown