Activity: A513 - Accept and Categorize Change
DescriptionWorkflowRolesWork Products

Activity diagram: Accept and Categorize Change Filter, Validate, and Accept Change Obtain Additional Information Classify Change Update Priority and Impact Categorization Reject Change Indicate Standard Change is Authorized

Activity detail diagram: Accept and Categorize Change Change Manager Filter, Validate, and Accept Change Obtain Additional Information Classify Change Update Priority and Impact Categorization Reject Change Change Manager Change Manager Indicate Standard Change is Authorized Change Manager Change Request Filter, Validate, and Accept Change Change Filter, Validate, and Accept Change Change Obtain Additional Information Change Obtain Additional Information Change Classify Change Standard Change Change Classify Change Change Update Priority and Impact Categorization Change Update Priority and Impact Categorization Change Reject Change Change Requestor Notification Reject Change Standard Change Indicate Standard Change is Authorized Standard Change Indicate Standard Change is Authorized
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